Monday, December 13, 2010

Terrence Jones or DeMarcus Cousins

Who is the better basketball player? DeMarcus or Terrence?  If you had to choose, who would you pick? Before you answer that question, let's do a numbers comparison. Granted, Big Cuz obviously had more games on this number, but I still think it's a fair comparison.

Points Per Game

Cousins : 15.1

Jones: 18.9

Winner - Terrence Jones
Rebounds per Game

Cousins: 9.8

Jones : 10.2

Winner - Terrence Jones
Field Goal Percentage

Cousins : 55.8 %

Jones : 44.7 %

Winner : DeMarcus Cousins

Now you know that facts.  You watched Boogie last season, and have watched Terrance for 9 games. If you look at the stats, Terrance Jones has put up much better numbers than DeMarcus.  You can argue that Big Cuz had to share the numbesr with all that talent on last years squad.  What about this year?  Terrance has some quality team mates as well. 

I want to know what you think.  On the right of the page, I want you to vote on who you think is better.  Then, I want you to leave a comment below as to why you think your player is the best. It's your pick, DeMarcus Cousin or Terrence Jones?


  1. I would have to go with Big Cuz...right now. Both players are both dominant and Terrence Jones has been more productive than what Cousins was but the team Demarcus was on last year was more talented with Wall, Bledsoe, and Patterson. As the season goes along I may change my mind on Jones but right now Cousins and his size and the way he was able to move people around is hard to top.

  2. I have to go with Big Cuz! GREAT PLAYER want to know more CALL ME! ;)
