Monday, December 13, 2010

Remembering John Wall

Does anyone remember John Wall? He was that pretty good point guard we had along time ago.  In case you don't follow the NBA, I wanted to give everyone a quick update on how "my" favorite player is doing in his rookie season. First, lets glance at the stats.  John is averaging 16.7 points, 3.5 rebounds, and 8.9 assists per game.

On November 10th , Wall became the third youngest player ever to record a triple double.  It came in a win against the Houston rockets.  Only LeBron James and Lamar Odem placed a triple double on their sheets younger than our John Wall.

Against Jodie Meeks and the 76'ers, Wall lead Washington to a win after scoring 25 points in the second half. This performance marks his first really outstanding scoring exhibition, while leading the team to a "W" .

With all the success John Wall is having, you would think that the Wizards would be a lock for the playoffs.  That thought is wrong.  Sadly, the Wizards on second to last place in the Eastern Conference with 6-16 record. Currently , they are on a 4 game losing streak.  The Wizards have their star, now they need to build around him.

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