Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Making Enes a Priority Today

I turn on the news, check the blogs , and do my usually scan of Kentucky news.  I'm hoping to find that one analyst who has the inside scoop on Enes Kanter and the NCAA ruling.  I come up with nothing today .  I found one article written by a student at Morehead State University, giving his opinon on Kanter.  What? That's it? Nothing from ABC, NBC, or ESPN?

What I did find plenty of information of,  disturbs me.  I found out everything I didn't need to know about some girl named Amber who beat up her boyfriend and lost(and apparently) got her child back. I mean, come on! Let's get our priorities straight. I want to know about Enes, not Amber! ...............

(P.S.) It must be a slow news day for me to write this!

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