Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Free Enes News

If you listen to Coach John Calipari's weekly radio show , then you heard the coach make some strong comments about Enes Kanter.  Coach Cal stated "If they choose to (rule him ineligible), the only choice he’ll have is to sue," Calipari said. "I haven’t talked to him about that, whether he would try to get an injunction and play. I don’t know. It’s unfortunate, but it is where we are, and we’re just waiting to hear."

He goes on to say   "If they choose to (rule him ineligible), the only choice he’ll have is to sue," Calipari said. "I haven’t talked to him about that, whether he would try to get an injunction and play. I don’t know. It’s unfortunate, but it is where we are, and we’re just waiting to hear.

Coach Cal then adds  "Obviously, that’s an option for them," Calipari said of Kanter and his family. "(Of the NCAA ruling) This isn’t fair." Of the legal action he mentioned on his call-in radio show Monday night, the UK coach said, "A lot of things I throw out (as) food for thought. I encourage thinking."

I'm proud that Coach Calipari has came out with these really strong statements against the NCAA.  I can't wait to see how this all turns out. 

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