Sunday, December 11, 2011

Terrence Jones had a Bad Day, but it's not the end of the world

     Terrence Jones had a bad day.  That's the bottom line.  Twitter is all abuzz with questions about Terrence Jones and his lack of superstar performance against Indiana.  Coach Cal said it best after the game : " These kids aren't machines. They all have bad days."  I know that the Kentucky fans demand much, in which you can rank me at the top.  However, I feel like I should defend Terrence a little today. 
     First things first, Terrence Jones is still a young kid.  He is just a sophomore that still has much to learn. There was a load of pressure on TJ going into the Indiana game.  It is no easy task for any team to go into Indiana and get a win, especially with this years  squad. 
     Next, this was just one game.  It happens to the best of them.  Jones struggled , never got into rhythm, and disappeared from the action.  He is still learning.  Michael Jordan scored 8 points on March 22 1986 against the Cavs.  Does anybody remember that? No.  I'm sure Terrence will take what he needs from this game and fix it.  When they are hanging banner # 8, we will all look back and laugh at this. Right?

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