Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jerry Tipton Huge Insult to Sam Malone - Not the time nor the Place

     Kentucky walk on Sam Malone suffered a season ending acl tear this week.  As always, Jerry Tipton was on the scene to ask another stupid and insensitive question to Malone.

"[Do you think] the basketball gods might be sending [you] a message to take up a more sedentary outlet like chess?"

     Wow.  What a jerk. That is all.
the basketball gods might be sending him a message to take up a more sedentary outlet like chess

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the basketball gods might be sending him a message to take up a more sedentary outlet like chess

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the basketball gods might be sending him a message to take up a more sedentary outlet like chess

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the basketball gods might be sending him a message to take up a more sedentary outlet like chess

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