Saturday, October 29, 2011

The NBA Lockout Effect - How is Kentucky impacted?

-     David Stern, NBA Commissioner, just announced that all NBA games have been canceled through November 30th. Both NBA players and the owners can't seem to find any common ground to get the bargaining agreement done.   There is , however, some glimmering hope at the end of the dark long tunnel.  Reports are increasing that the sides are getting much closer on being able to reach a deal.  The mood is really much lighter than a few weeks ago, when it looked as if there may be no NBA season at all.  Granted, this is millionaires arguing with billionaires, in which I hold no sympathy for either side.  I do ponder about how the results of these two groups will effect a group of basketball players that I have much more concern for.  Let's examine how the impending NBA collective bargaining agreement will impact the future of the Kentucky Wildcats basketball team.
     Beyond money issues, the players and owners also must agree on an age limit for NBA rookies.  Under the current system, players must be one year removed from high school before they can declare for the NBA Draft.  Unless you've been hiding under a rock, Kentucky has hosted many one and done players in the two years that Coach Cal has been at the helm of our Kentucky Wildcats ship.  In his first year, Kentucky broke the NBA record with 5 players drafted in the first round, 4 of which were one and done freshman.  Last season, Brandon Knight followed in the footsteps of John Wall being drafted in the first round after only 1 college season.  Currently, the Wildcats have 3 or possibly 4 freshman that may hold the ability to enter the draft after their inaugural college year.  Anthony Davis, in particular, could very well be the # 1 pick in next year's draft.  To say that the outcome of this lockout is important to Kentucky would be an understatement.
     What would happen if the player union gets what they want in the agreement? The player age limit and 1 year college rule would be eliminated.  The union would love to see players be able to enter the draft straight out of high school.  This would affect not only Coach Cal's recruiting, but the talent level in all of college basketball.  We all know that Cal believes the only way to win championships is with the best players right out of the gate.  Now, Coach John Calipari has to compete only with the top NCAA basketball powerhouses to lure those players to Kentucky.  If the NBA Players Union have their way, Cal would also have to compete with the NBA.  I would imagine that it is much easier to persuade a top talent to come to Kentucky over another college, rather than to dissuade him from making millions of dollars in the NBA.  The latter is a much harder sell.  I actually think if anybody can do it , Coach Cal would be the man. Still, his job will get so much tougher if the players get their way on this issue.
     What about the owners? What do they want?  The billionaire side of the table would like to mirror the NFL rule, in which players would have to go to school 3 years.  The thought of John Wall staying with us for three seasons makes me drool in awe a little. No doubt, this would force the players that Cal recruits to hang around with us for a while longer, becoming much more familiar with each other and the dribble drive offense.  It is hard to argue that this wouldn't help the game of college basketball, making it so much more entertaining because of the increased number of developed talent on the floor.  However, there would be some negative impact on recruiting.  For instance, coming to Kentucky would be a much tougher decision for Anthony Davis if he knew he had to play behind DeMarcus Cousins for 2 more years.  More than likely, he may have opted to go to another school were he had a more immediate impact.  Last year, Brandon Knight most assuredly would not have committed to Kentucky if John Wall was still at point.  Again, this option will make Coach Calipari's job of recruiting very difficult.
     There is a happy medium.  I am going to predict that both sides will reach a compromise.  In order to reach a deal , both the millionaire and billionaires are going to have to give in a little. I believe the new rule will raise the age limit to 20, resulting in a player be forced to stay in college for 2 seasons.  I think that Kentucky will benefit greatly from this decision.  Coach Cal wouldn't have compete with the NBA when visiting a recruit. There still would be an issue with convincing top talent to come in and play behind super sophomores for one season.  I'm sure that Cal wouldn't have too much trouble spinning that situation to a recruit, in a way that the recruit feels benefited by getting to play under the more experienced talent. 
     No matter the outcome of the NBA lockout, there will be some impact on the future of Kentucky basketball.  My hopes are that the players and owners find a way to come together really soon. I am very anxious to have my questions on the age limit answered. One thing is for sure, whatever the outcome I am glad that Coach Cal is in the drivers seat at the University of Kentucky.

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