Friday, October 21, 2011

Kentucky Wildcats Blue White Game Preview

2011-    On October 26th, we will get our first real feel of the 2011-2012 Kentucky Wildcats.  I know that we witnessed 20 minutes of offensive glory during Big Blue Madness, however I don't believe that the BBM exhibition gives you a true account of how this team is going to perform.  Don't get me wrong, I loved watching the offensive powerhouses we have at UK this year show out with alley-oops and threes galore !  That made for some really entertaining basketball.  There was one thing lacking , however, from the show at Big Blue Madness.  Defense!
     At the Blue White Scrimmage, we will see for the first time the defensive sets that this team will be running this year.  I am very interested to see how well the super freshmen adapt to the collegiate defensive game.  Reports are abound around the hype of Michael Kidd-Gilchrist.   Matt Jones and his writers  often refer to Kidd-Gilchrist as the replacement for DeAndre Liggins.  Those are some really tough shoes to fill.  It took Liggins 3 seasons to earn his name on the defensive end.  Kidd-Gilchrist has not played a single game and we're already comparing him to Liggins.  I hope the hype is true , and Kidd Gilchrist shows us that he plays "as advertised" on D.
      Not only will we get to see how well our defensive settings look early, we will also get to witness how our players are developing in the area of attacking opposing defense.  Are these Cats learning the Dribble Drive offense with ease?  Will we see Anthony Davis post up?  How will Kyle Wiltjer be used in the offensive settings?  These are all questions I am very eager to have answered on Wednesday night.
     Thus far, I'm writing as if this Blue White scrimmage will be the say all end all of how well our team is going to play this year.  That is not correct.  Even though we will see many more true sets, this is still just a scrimmage.  I don't expect to see the players playing with Final Four intensity during the game.  I do, however, expect to see a team playing hard and developing early.  I don't think we will learn everything we need or want to know about the Cats during the scrimmage, but I think we will know much more about them than we do now.

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