Monday, November 14, 2011

Stacey Poole Leaves Kentucky- It's official

Coach Cal just released news on his website that Stacey Poole has decided to transfer. Below is an expert from :

"In Stacey Poole’s case, I feel if he would have stayed, eventually he would have had a breakthrough and had his opportunity. I told his family, “Look, if he needs a week or two weeks to decide what he wants to do and he decides he wants to come back and play the year out, he can do that. I’ll do whatever he wants to do.”

"Having said that, Stacey and his family felt it is in his best interest to play somewhere else and I fully respect the family and their decision. I want to wish Stacey nothing but the best in whatever and wherever he chooses to go. He will always be a part of our family and the Big Blue Nation."

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