Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kentucky Wildcats First Look - What we learned about this team.

     Basketball season has finally kicked off. It seems like it was such along time ago when the Wildcats lost to UConn in the Final Four.  Tonight we got our first look at the 2011-2012 Wildcats against real life competition.  As expected , the game started off pretty ugly.  Kentucky's defense was lacking, giving up many open looks to Transylvania.  It didn't take long, however, for the Cats to settle down and build on their lead.
     One of the most exciting things I learned from watching this exhibition was the amount of time Kentucky is going to play pressure defense.  I absolutely love watching teams that play in this style.  The press forces everyone's intensity to climb at a high level.  As advertised, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist impressed me more than anyone while running that pressure D .   There is not too many top talents you can get to hustle and go after the ball in an exhibition game like Kidd-Gilchrist did tonight.
     Anthony Davis has alot to learn, but you see all the potential in the world in this guy.  I have no doubt in my mind that he will lead the SEC and possibly the NCAA in blocks this season.  You can tell he also has an offense game even though he didn't have the greatest game on that side of the floor.  That will come as the season goes on.
      Terrence Jones gave me no reason to think he couldn't be the player of the year once it's all said and done.  His body language is so much better than last season.  Jones looks so comfortable with the ball, and doesn't hesitate when he makes a decision what to do with the basketball.  The fact that he has beefed up so much doesn't hurt either.
     Who knew how much fire Marquis Teague had? This was just an exhibition, and at times, he was playing like it was the NCAA Big Dance.  I had questions before this game on how well Teague can run this team.  My questions were answered tonight, in which I believe Teague is the right man for the job.  He is a pure point guard with a shooting ability that I didn't realize he had.
     Overall, this was a very impressive performance by the Kentucky Wildcats.  A rough start turned into solid play as the game progressed.  They have so much potential on the defensive side of the floor that I can hardly sit still while I'm thinking about it. Kentucky fans are in for a treat this season.  John Calipari has his team playing with a style that the UK fan base have dreamed about for years.

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