Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quick Thoughts on Kentucky vs. Kansas - Post Game

     ESPN did me no favors tonight by having Dick Vitale call the Kentucky vs. Kansas game.  Who knew one man could hate the 3 goggles so much? Also, I hope that someone tells him that Kidd-Gilchrist got his "Kidd" name from his Uncle and not his mom.  Vitale said that he watched "Prayers for a Perfect season".  You can't blame him for getting things wrong. He was too busy drooling over Coach K and talking about how good North Carolina is.  The game that he was announcing obviously wasn't as important as that.  ESPN, please hire Gus Johnson.
     Now that I have ranted about Dick Vitale enough, let's discuss the game.  Kentucky started off really slow and sloppy.  Their opening half play was to be expected for such a young team.  Marquis Teague had an absolute terrible first half.  Someone on Facebook joked that Teague committed 2 more turnovers during the half, after the buzzer sounded. 

     The second half was something entirely different for UK. Coming out of the lockeroom, Kentucky played some lock down defense and began to loosen up on the offensive side of the floor.  It always struck me funny how playing good defense almost always equals a better offensive game.  Doron Lamb really opened up the big lead by knocking down his trademark three pointers.  Dick Vitale must have almost blown his top because of Doron Lamb's three point goggles.
     To summarize , Kentucky proved to the nation that they are a legitimate # 2 ranked team.  A rough start turned into a beat down of a very good Kansas JayHawk team.  The freshmen played like freshmen at times, yet played spectacular at others. There is still much room for improvement, however I think the sky is the limit for this Kentucky Wildcat team.


  1. You got it exactly right Sam.. Vitale sucks.. he is a homer for NC

  2. I can't stand him sometimes. LOL
