Monday, January 3, 2011

Letter to the White House on behalf of Enes Kanter

I can't take credit for breaking this story.  This comes from our good friends over at KSR, who found it at Congress.Org .  The following is a letter written to President Obama on behalf of Enes Kanter and his family from a man in Lexington. It reads :

President Barack Obama

December 30, 2010

I voted for you Mr. President. Your actions have spoken loudly in all that you have accomplished. Please research the injustice being done by the NCAA and its actions against Enes Kanter. With all of the recent decisions it has made in favor of certain atheletes and Institutions, why does it seem it is persecuting this one Athelete who has tried to follow all the rules to be eleigible to play college basketball. Your support (knowing you are a b-ball fan) would be greatly appreciated. If you were to just spend a few mopments to read what has occured since March of this year and the NCAA recent decisions, you too SIR will feel the anger!

Thank You Sir for your action on this subject.

Gary Hardin
College Basketball fan

Lexington , KY

Gary, you sir, are a great American! Go Big Blue! Free Enes !

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