Tuesday, January 11, 2011

EKO Radio Contest

Ted Williams who now is famous because of Viral Video on the web. Google him as is a great story!

Want to be apart of Eveything Kentucky Online Radio? Do you think you have a radio voice? EKO Radio is proud to present  " Voiceover Fan of the Day" contest.  It's simple, you record a 10 second "audition" for the intro to Everything Kentucky Online Radio. If you win, your voice will be the intro on next week's show!  

Here's how to enter :

1.  Using a computer mic, record the following in .wav format, " Welcome to Everything Kentucky Online Radio " in your best RADIO voice.

2. Attach the .wav file to an e-mail and send it to everythingkentuckyonline@gmail.com

3. In the subject line type : "Voice-Over Contest" Please include your name in the e-mail so we can give you credit for winning!

Check out Ted Williams below :

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