Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cal tells Alex Oriakhi that two players are returning next year.

UCONN transfer Alex Oriakhi had a meeting with Coach Calipari over the week. Oriakhi, said the meeting went well with Calipari, and he told him how things would be he if he transferred to UK, and he felt Coach Calipari was very honest with what he said. Meeting with Coach Calipari went very well, and some very interesting information was taken from the discussion, Oriakhi said that Calipari told him that two players would be returning from last year's squad. With that being said, Calipari has to be referring to two players that was in the six man rotation. I'm guessing it's Lamb, and Teague, both aren't projected lottery picks, and returning for another year could help their stock. Another hint that it isn't Davis, and Jones, and more of a chance of it being the two guards, when asked if it was appealing for him to come and play at UK, Oriakhi responded with very appealing. The next couple of weeks could be interesting.

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