Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why is Lebron James so hated?

     If there is one thing that I learned from this years NBA Finals, it is that America hates Lebron James.  Well, maybe not all of America but there is a large portion who does.  Almost every sports anchor that I have watched, from the local sports guy to Charles Barkley have hammered Lebron James in the media for his performance.  I do not know if I have every witnessed an entire nation want one man to fail so badly.
     The question I still have is why?  Was it the fact he left Cleveland?  Was it the hour long "Decision" on ESPN in which Lebron announced he was taking his talents to south beach?  Is it jealousy over his basketball talents, or because he has a swagger about himself?  I want to know what Lebron James did to you. Leave a comment in the facebook comment block below to let me know. Also, make sure if you a Lebron fan, post your comments too!


  1. It looks like we forgot our history in basketball. Shaq did the same thing when he ditched orlando and went to LA after they lost in the finals. Charles Barkeley left philly to join the suns after he couldnt do it. He did it again amd went to Houston when he couldnt cut it in phoenix. Btw, there is no such thing as a shortcut to a championship...so dont gve me that arguement. LeBron did do one thing wrong, and that is put up a one hour segment of his decision. And dont forget that MJ, Kobe, and the other greats had a luxury that LeBron never had, and that is a legendary coach to develop his game, demeanor, and maturity.
