Sunday, June 12, 2011

An NBA Finals that the NBA hoped for !

     Most summers, the biggest story's are played out on the big screen.  If you wanted to see huge action accompanied by a great story line, you normally have to wait until the summer's next big blockbuster movie is released. That is not the case this summer.
      The best thing that could happen for the NBA this year is happening right now.  This years' NBA Finals is filled with so much action and drama that Steven Spielberg or JJ Abrams couldn't match it. You have the Miami Heat, the villains, versus the Dallas Mavericks , the unlikely hero's.
     There has been  bigger story this season than the Miami Heat.  Once "The Decision" was made last fall, the basketball world has held a real hatred for the Heat.  In their eyes, the Heat are super villains filled with arrogance and cockiness that fuels the fan hatred.  At the center of their anger is LeBron James.  Ohio's son you walked out on his "family" to come to the evil Miami city !
     The Dallas Mavericks has become the protagonist in this twisted plot.  You could liken the Mavericks with that of a group of unlikely misfits pulling together to take down the bad guy.  You have the aging Jason Kidd, looking to seal his first NBA championship.  Then you have the enigma Dirk Nowitzki, who even tried to have the sequel to the Michael Jordan Flue game.
     I can't remember a finals so closely watched in the last couple of year, save the first Boston vs. LA Finals a couple years ago. It is just what the NBA needed.  Now I hope, the owners and players don't ruin the momentum with a lockout .  We shall wait and see.

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