Thursday, December 22, 2011

Marquis Teague, Brandon Knight, and John Wall : The First 12 Games

     Marquis Teague has completed 12 games in the early part of the season.  So how has Kentucky's 2011-2012 point guard performed so far?  Let's go to the stats and see how Teague matches up with Wall and Knight's first 12 games.

 Points Per Game
Teague: 10.92
Knight: 17.42
Wall:  17.82
     Clearly, Teague is falling short in the points per game department when compared to Knight or Wall.  You can not put this all on Marquis however.  He is on a team loaded with other primary scorers.  Knight and Wall both held the brunt of the offensives on their respective teams.  Granted, they had other scorers around them too.  Simply put, Teague is not designed to be the top scorer on this team. Knight and Wall were.

Field Goal Percentage
Teague : 45.25 %
Wall : 53.23 %
Knight : 44.91

     The fact that Teague is shooting better from the field that Brandon Knight is amazing.  I know he doesn't take as many shots as Knight did, but still it is a pretty solid accomplishment.  Wall and his freakishly fast layups bested both Knight and Teague through the first 12.

Assists Per Game
Teague: 4.5
Wall: 7
Knight: 3.92

     Teague again falls short of John Wall.  Surprisingly, he has done better than Brandon Knight did this time last year.  To be fair to Brandon Knight, he had to be a scorer first point guard.  That hindered him from being able to rack up as many assists to stuff the stat sheet.

Turnovers Per Game
Teague: 2.92
Knight: 3.67
Wall: 4.45

If I asked someone who turns the ball over more between these three, I bet everyone would say Teague.  Wrong.  Teague has been able to keep the possession better than Wall or Knight so far.  He had many turnovers early but then quickly cleaned up his game.

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