Friday, November 11, 2011

The Terrence Jones Wreck- A Break Down of Events

2:30 AM - Larry Warren(Jones' friend) , Terrence Jones , and Stacey Poole Jr. were involved in a traffic accident caused by a drunk driver(the other vehicle). In fear of getting involved in an altercation with the drunk driver(and probably hopeful Coach Cal didn't find out he was out at 2:30am) Jones left the scene.  Later on, to tend to some minor injuries , Jones took himself to the hospital.  Both Jones and Stacey Poole are fine apart from scrapes. 

1. Jones nor Poole were doing anything illegal.

2. Jones used bad judgment to be out at 2:30 am on a game night, but since UK didn't have any curfew as of last night, broke no rules.

3.A passenger does not have to stay in the car when an accident takes place. Nothing illegal went on with Jones leaving.

4.LEX 18 is reporting that Jones looked intoxicated, but it was from an unnamed source. That claim is just that, a claim with nothing to back it up so far.

Quote from Coach Cal.

Our players did not break any rules by being out last night. As of yesterday, this team did not have a curfew and our normal procedure is to begin the season without one. I usually let the actions of my team determine a curfew. However, because of the actions of a select few, this team has showed me an inability to make proper judgment and decisions that they’ve been given the freedom to make.
Therefore, going forward, this team will now have a curfew for the rest of the season. I will inform the team of a time later today.
We hold our players to a higher standard at Kentucky. They must learn that they’ve been placed in a leadership role and that every action defines this team, this state and its fans.  As always, any additional punishment will be handled within the team.

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