Monday, March 26, 2012

Michael Kidd-Gilchrist - "Tough as Nails"

     Michael Kidd-Gilchrist is the toughest player on the floor.  There is no question about that.  There is something that has been bothering me that I haven't really written much about.  I've heard many in the media mock MKG because of his interview skills.  Admittedly, I've noticed him struggle with interviews throughout the season but chalked it up to just being nervous in front of so many people. I'm actually the same way.  Get me in front of more than a couple of people and I start to shake and tremor a little.  It turns out that I was wrong about MKG being nervous.  From an article I recently read, I found out that Michael Kidd-Gilchrist suffers from a stuttering problem that he has had from childhood.  Imagine trying to overcome that problem as a normal person going through life.  It would be tough. Now, imagine fighting the problem in front of thousands and thousands of people. Yeah, it would be almost impossible. However, I think MKG is doing a pretty good job of it.  The more I find out about him, the better I like him.  He is tough as nails.

Read Original Article from Midwest Sports Fans

1 comment:

  1. I say God Bless him... My Dad. stuttered too. And I had a Young brother, that stuttered, and had a hearing problem... both were very intelligent . Mel Tellis the country singer stuttered.. the Movie about the English King was a stuttertor..He gave up the crown because of it .. So,,, more power to MKG... hold your head up high , and be proud of who you are and what you have done for Ky. and the team and the world...
