Tuesday, February 21, 2012

LifeSavers Candy - A Story about Bias Against the Kentucky Wildcats

     Take a look at a pack of LifeSavers candy. What do you see? I'm sure you see a great tasting candy filled with different colors and different flavors.  You probably have a favorite. Now, let me tell you what I see.  I see a bias against the Kentucky Wildcats.  There are no blue LifeSavers.  Louisville is represented with the red. Tennessee has the orange included. Michigan St. somehow got their green in the pack. Where is the Kentucky blue?  I scoured the net to find a blue LifeSaver.  There are none anywhere(I don't count the blue Sonic the Hedgehog ones). Undoubtedly, LifeSavers holds some kind of grudge with the Kentucky Wildcats.
     I know my above presentation is a little silly.  I don't really think there is a conspiracy from LifeSavers to keep blue out of the pack because of Kentucky(though it is odd).  My point is this. We Kentucky fans sometimes jump to this conclusion whenever the Wildcats don't get their fair share in the media.  Often times, the main target of our frustration and anger goes to ESPN.  The same ESPN that snubbed their nose at the Darius Miller dunk only a few days ago by not placing it on Sportscenter's Top Ten Plays.
     Are we being fair to ESPN? Is there really a conspiracy to hold UK back and keep us down? On the other hand, are we being like my LifeSavers story above and placing blame on ESPN in the wrong? I think the answer is yes to both.  I know I should just pick a side, but I think this is a tough question to come to a fair conclusion. Let me explain myself in the next couple of paragraphs.
     I do not believe that ESPN as a corporation has any bias against the Kentucky Wildcats.  There I said it.  There is just too many facts to sway my opinion any other way.  First, Kentucky is one of the most loved basketball brands in all the nation.  This fact alone makes ESPN love UK because they know the Wildcats are where the money is.  Think I'm wrong? What other school has ESPN aired an open practice during the season? Also, go count how many times Kentucky has been the 9 PM game on Super Tuesday.  I imagine you would be hard pressed to find more than a hand full of teams.  The fact is that being bias against Kentucky would be bad business for ESPN.  To any company, it's all about the money.
    On the other side of the isle, I do believe that some of the reporters for ESPN  hold a bias against the Cats.  The latest proof comes from Digger Phelps and his scolding rant he gave to UK fans at Vanderbilt during game day.   Bob Knight, also, makes no bones about the fact that he dislikes our favorite team from the Bluegrass.  Knight has often times publicly ranted against Kentucky and our coaching staff.  Doug Gottlieb continues to make negative comments about the team, particularly Marquis Teague, during this current season despite UK's success. Truly, I could go on on on.
     In conclusion, ESPN does not hold a grudge or a bias against the Kentucky Wildcats.  Some of the employees, however, do show a negative bias against UK.  I don't think anyone who has watched the Cats and their relationship with ESPN over the years could argue with that. The real question now is, why is there no blue LifeSaver?


  1. Very profound!! I am happy that you included a part of our coversation today (you know what part). This is some of your best work yet!!! It makes me want to start writing again, one day right??

  2. Thanks Mario! Very kind words!

  3. I'm so proud. But what flavor would a blue life savor be?!?!?

  4. ESPN hates UK. That is all

  5. I hate ESPN. I guess we are even.
