Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kentucky Hate from Knoxville Radio Host

-Terry Fair, former UT player now radio broadcaster at WNOX 100.3 FM Knoxville, had some interesting words about Kentucky today.  On his daily sports talk show, The Drive, Terry showed quite the resentment for everything Kentucky.  At one point during the show, Terry said that the SEC should " get rid of Kentucky and Vanderbilt".  Yep, you read that correct.  He suggested that the SEC would be better off without the University of Kentucky.  
     Now, this is the United States of America, and a man should be able to speak freely.  Likewise, a man is allowed to respond freely as well.  I think the Big Blue Nation should do just that.  I have linked below, the contact page for WNOX radio.  Let's flood their email in reponse to Terry's "Get Rid of Kentucky " Campaign.

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