Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Former Wildcat name came up during Federal Trial in connection with a Cocaine ring

     Derek Anderson's ( former Wildcat from 1996 National Championship team) name was given during a Federal trial of Ricky Kelly. Kelly is being charged with murder and racketeering.  During the testimony of Francois Cunningham, Derek Anderson was cited for funding a drug ring that all three where alleged to be involved in. Below is the statement from Mr. Cunningham :

Butler: "Was Derek Anderson ever present when you all bought narcotics?"
Cunningham: "Nah, he stays away from you know, he's just the money and he's not going to get around any of it but, that's who funnels the money."

 It is important to note that at this time, no charge have been made against Derek Anderson.  So far, his name has only came up.  If more details are released , I will report them as soon as I hear new information.

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