Monday, January 10, 2011

Enes Kanter to play in the Bluegrass this season?

Really, the above headline should read " Enes Kanter to play FOR the Bluegrass this season?"  When I say Bluegrass, I mean the Bluegrass Stallions. The Stallions are from Georgetown and play in the PBL, the "Premiere Basketball League" According to a news release, the Stallions are aggressively pursing Enes Kanter for this season, with a lucrative contract and insurance.  They also stated they would accept Enes playing in only home games. 

This is a terrible idea for Enes Kanter.  This is a great idea for the Bluegrass Stallions.  It would make a mockery of the Turkish big man , just trying to sell tickets and make some money on his coat tails.  Even though it would turn Enes Kanter into a Carnival Freak Show, I would buy a ticket to watch the future lottery pick play!

Enes, stick with Calipari......that's your best bet!

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