Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shabazz Muhammad Eligibility Update

    The NCAA has given a notice of warning to each school recruiting big time high school star Shabazz Muhammad.  There is some doubt on the eligibility of Muhammad to classify him as an amateur.  The issue rests on Muhammad's relationship with Benjamin Lincoln and Ken Kavanagh.  
     Lincoln admitted to CBS Sports that he funded two of Shabazz's unofficial visits. Kavanagh wants to one day represent Muhammad as his agent.  The problem is that he has already donated money to Muhammad's summer league team.  Kavanagh also admitted to CBS Sports that he regularly attends Shabazz's games.
    In light of all this, I have a bad feeling about the chances of Shabazz ending up in a Kentucky uniform.  As a matter of fact, I'm not sure he will ever wear any college uniform.


  1. There are LOTS of great players still available. UK will not take a chance on him if there is any question of eligibility, especially in light of what happened last season with Enes Kanter.

    1. Yep, I'd rather have Nerlens Noel next year anyway.

  2. Figures!!! He will probably end up picking KY and THEN the NCAA will deem him ineligible to play college ball, just like they did Enes Kanter! ...if it would have been any other school they probably would've let Enes play. Imagine if he would've got to play, we made it to the final four without him!
