Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Alan Cutler has a man crush on The Most Hated Man In Kentucky

2011- LEX 18's very own Alan Cutler got an "exclusive interview" with Christian Laettner today. The complete article can be found "here" I thought the tone that Alan used in this article was very odd.  He seemed to paint "The Loathed One" Christian Laettner as a good guy.  Maybe good guy is not the correct term.  Nevertheless, Cutler was trying to portray Mr. Laettner in a better light for the UK fans. Alan, I'm sorry to say, it didn't work.

      The one area that really got my blood boiling in the interview with Laettner was is thoughts on the Timberlake step.(If your not for sure what I'm talking about, see video below) "The Loathed One" says that stepping intentionaly on Timberlake was nothing more than "bratty" behavior.  He didn't mean to try to hurt him.  Mike Tyson didn't mean to bite of Holyfield's ear either I guess. Here is a quote from Laettner "They hate the fact that I beat their team. They hate the fact that I stepped on Timberlake, but that's all part of the game. Sometimes you lose with a buzzer beater and sometimes you win with a buzzer beater."

      Cutler's last question to his readers  in the article, "Do you hate him a little less?" I'll let my readers answer that one !