Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kentucky can't figure out how to win on the road

     For the 5th time in SEC play, Kentucky goes on the road and loses to Vanderbilt 81-77 . Kentucky was able to keep it close until around 3 minutes to go in the second half.  At that point in the game, Vanderbilt switched to a 2-3 zone that confused our young player.  DeAndre Liggins made two pivotal mistakes that lead to turnovers as he tried to drive into the zone. 
     Until those two ill advised drives by DeAndre, it had looked as it he was going to step up as the leader of this really young and raw Kentucky Wildcat team.  Liggins played very emotional all game, even picking up a technical foul in the first half because of his emotional outburst.  I did not mind that technical at all as it showed that he was going to give it his all this game.  In the end, Kentucky still could not find a way to pull it out and win one of the road.
      With March less than a month away, now is the time for Kentucky to hit the panic button.  To win the NCAA tournament, you must win on the road.  As of now, winning on the road is not something this Kentucky Wildcat team is capable of.  DeAndre Liggins must keep his mindset , in which he is playing as the leader of this team.  If that happens, you'll see fewer late game breakdowns.  My only concern is that we only have a month left.

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