Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Darius Miller ????

Darius Miller is, to put it lightly, struggling so far this season for the Wildcats.  Darius' play is plagued at times because his mentality is too passive.  I think there is a great college player in Darius Miller.  John Calipari has to find what is going to motivate that greatness to come out. Tonight , versus Boston, he struggled early by getting into foul trouble.  Two fouls quickly gave him a seat on the bench, in which he stayed most of the first half.  Things did not get much better in the second half, apart from him knocking down some big time threes early in the half.  Add a alley oop dunk to mix, and then nothing else out of Darius.  My opinion is that Darius has gotten use to being a role player.  He fit the role well last season with John Wall, DeMarcus Cousins, and Patrick Patterson running most of the show.  This year, we need Mr. Miller to be "da man".  I hope things turn around for Darius and he has a long Pro career.  All he needs is a fire lit underneath him!  What do you think? I love to hear your comments below!

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