Friday, September 24, 2010

Eric Bledsoe Investigation Results

Kentucky Sports Radio and the Birmingham news have release information on the results of the Eric Bledsoe Investigation.  Eric Bledsoe did NOTHING WRONG! Everything was on the up and up with Eric, as he did extra work to increase his grade! Case closed! Go Big Blue! Below is taken from an excerpt on Kentucky Sports Radio, which can be found at !

Darrell Cartwright of is in Birmingham and is reporting these facts:
1. Eric Bledsoe earned his grade according to the Superintendent of the Birmingham Schools and his Algebra III teacher.
2. The difference in the report and his final grade was due to some makeup work done by Bledsoe that led to a grade change.
3. The teacher said the makeup work warranted the grade change that was given.
4. The report goes further to say they have no evidence to the contrary to show that the makeup work was not done.
5. Report said that there may have been issues with documentation and support showing work, but Superintendent was firm in belief that the grade was deserved.
6. The report does raise questions about the school board’s policy in terms of how long people have for makeup work, but the Superintendent did say that Bledsoe earned his grade.
7. The Birmingham News has looked at the full report and has released this article in which they say that the reasons for the grade change were “not credible.”
8. Nevertheless, the school board will take no action against Bledsoe’s high school and will only make changes to policy prospectively.

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