Saturday, May 1, 2010

Jones to Washington.............Not so FAST!

Everyone watched or listened to Terrance Jones' press conference yesterday, as he put on a Washington Huskie hat.  Done deal, UK missed on this one. Hold on a second.......

Matt Jones is reporting that Terrance Jones did not sign a LOI to Washington, sighting that Jones is now have second thoughts. 

  • Jones placed "I'm a Huskie" on his twitter account........that post has now been deleted by himself
  • Coach Cal reportedly spoke to him at length on the phone yesterday
  • Terreance Ross, Jones' best friend who also committed to WA, twittered " Well, atleast one Terrance is still committed to WA"

Crazy news from the Terrance Jones camp.  All signs are leading to Jones still open about coming to UK.  Let's keep a close eye on this one.


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