Saturday, September 25, 2010

Everything Kentucky Fan of the Day is Back

Congratulations to John May on becoming the very first "Everything Kentucky Fan of the Day" for this 2010-2011 season! John is in enemy territory down in Gainsville as the Cats gets get ready to play in the Swamp against Florida! Go Big Blue

Friday, September 24, 2010

Eric Bledsoe Investigation Results

Kentucky Sports Radio and the Birmingham news have release information on the results of the Eric Bledsoe Investigation.  Eric Bledsoe did NOTHING WRONG! Everything was on the up and up with Eric, as he did extra work to increase his grade! Case closed! Go Big Blue! Below is taken from an excerpt on Kentucky Sports Radio, which can be found at !

Darrell Cartwright of is in Birmingham and is reporting these facts:
1. Eric Bledsoe earned his grade according to the Superintendent of the Birmingham Schools and his Algebra III teacher.
2. The difference in the report and his final grade was due to some makeup work done by Bledsoe that led to a grade change.
3. The teacher said the makeup work warranted the grade change that was given.
4. The report goes further to say they have no evidence to the contrary to show that the makeup work was not done.
5. Report said that there may have been issues with documentation and support showing work, but Superintendent was firm in belief that the grade was deserved.
6. The report does raise questions about the school board’s policy in terms of how long people have for makeup work, but the Superintendent did say that Bledsoe earned his grade.
7. The Birmingham News has looked at the full report and has released this article in which they say that the reasons for the grade change were “not credible.”
8. Nevertheless, the school board will take no action against Bledsoe’s high school and will only make changes to policy prospectively.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Enes Kanter - NO news is GOOD news

No word on the eligibility of Enes Kanter besides that fact that the NCAA has granted UK permission to continue to practice Mr. Kanter.  Stay tuned for updates

Rajon Rondo NBA 2K11 Commercial

Sunday, September 12, 2010


For the first time in 16 years, Team USA  lead by Kevin Durant, took home the Gold in the FIBA world championship games.  Good Job team USA

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bruce Pearl in trouble

All we hear is rumors flying against John Calapari.  Just south of the Kentucky border, there are more than rumors for the Vol's.  Bruce Pearl has admitted wrong doing . Pearl was caught and admitted to recruiting violations.  Tennessee has self imposed sactions against Pearl already in a pay cut, plus no off campus recruiting for a year.  Next comes the NCAA sanctions.  Stay tuned.......... Here a link to the ESPN news report

Free Enes T-Shirt

Kentucky Sports Radio have "Free Enes" shirts for sale.  Just go to to buy the shirt.

Free Enes

By now, you should already know that Enes Kanter's NCAA eligibility is under review.  What's the hold up?  The New York times claims to have proof that Enes was paid 6500 dollars per month while playing with the Turkish national team.  If this is true, Enes will not be on the Rupp Arena floor. But are the allegations true? Let's take a look at the facts as we know them now.

FACT 1. Enes Kanter and his family still hold that he never received more than room and board for playing with the Turkish national team.

FACT 2. Enes allegedly recieved the money in question while he was under the age of 17. Turkish law and international basketball rules prohibit a player  under 18 to sign a contract or receive a salary for playing basketball. If the allegations are true both Kanter and the Turkish team he played for broke the Turkish basketball rules as well.

Fact. 3. The New York Times allegedly received the information about the funds from the owner of the Turkish basketball team Kanter played for. The owner has not hidden the fact that he does not want Enes to play college basketball.  If Enes declares ineligible, then Enes would have to return and play a year with that team, or another international team.  If he decides to play for another international team, the Turkish owner would receive funds by way of some odd international rule.

Fact 4.  We are the Kentucky Wildcats and are coached by John Calapari.  Two of the most successful pieces in college basketball, and most hated outside the bluegrass, all wrapped together in a bow.  Everyone wants Kentucky to lose, and everyone wants Calapari to be proved to be a criminal.  That's just how it is.  With success some intense scrutiny.  Intense scrutiny means bounds and bounds of rumors against the Big Blue nation.